What happens to your donation?

When you give to a Classroom Grant…

You are providing teachers and students with a resource for immediate impact in their classroom each school year.

Walton Education Foundation partners with Consortium of Florida Education Foundations and their School District Education Foundation Matching Grant Program our Classroom Grants for a $1 for $1 match with private community funders. In 2022-2023, Walton Education Foundation will fund 59 Classroom Grants at 15 Walton County Public and Charter Schools.

To see what projects are keeping our classrooms creative, click to see every grant funded through our program to date.

When you give to a Scholarship…

Giving to a Scholarship supports our Take Stock in Children mentor and scholarship program. This outstanding program support 34 students in Walton County and has helped graduate nearly 100 students from high school and set them on the track for high learning in Florida Colleges.

Learn more about our Walton County program here.

Learn more about the state program here.